
学费 & ladbrokes立博亚洲的价值

作为家长, you recognize that Christian education is one of the most significant investments you’ll make for your child. You’re not just providing them with an 学术 foundation — you’re giving them a solid foundation for the future. 记住这一点, 找一所能培养孩子心灵的学校, 心, 精神是最重要的.

At ladbrokes立博亚洲我们的目标是为学生和他们的家庭提供最大的价值. 我们努力培养每个孩子的精神, 学术, 艺术, 运动, 个人成长贯穿始终 优质教育,超越一切.



自1954年以来, ladbrokes立博亚洲 has been dedicated to teaching students in the ‘Light of God’s Word’. You’ll find that our unwavering commitment to families reflects the 价值 we provide in everything we do.


从培养课堂关系到服务社区, 你的孩子就会知道什么是基督的门徒.


The active learning approach at LCS will encourage your child to apply 学术 concepts in real-world scenarios.


你的孩子是否热爱美术, 对探索STEAM感兴趣, 或者渴望从事ladbrokes立博中文版, LCS有很多成长的机会.


我们的老师, 教工和教练的目标是在每个学科领域展示神的真理, 活动, 和讨论.

在佛罗里达州莱克兰寻找一所私立基督教学校 ?

我们想回答你关于学费的问题, 金融援助, 付款计划, 以及你在考虑ladbrokes立博亚洲时的投资价值.


A ladbrokes立博亚洲 education is an investment in your child’s spiritual, 学术, 艺术, 运动和个人成长. We recognized that you are making a significant investment for your child to receive a private Christian education. We are committed to partnering with families through 金融援助 and discount opportunities.

LCS desires for Christian education to be accessible for families of all income levels and invites families to explore the following 金融援助 options.


很大程度上要归功于我们捐助者的慷慨, ladbrokes立博亚洲 is pleased to provide need-based 金融援助 to eligible applicants. Families can apply for tuition assistance once they go through the 招生 process. 我们使用第三方财务援助提供商来确定资格.


我们也接受奖学金 佛罗里达州 在有限基础上. Families can combine these supplemental scholarships with need-based financial assistance to offset the cost of tuition. 以下是我们接受的一些奖学金:

  • 佛罗里达税收抵免奖学金
  • 家庭赋权奖学金-教育选择(FES-EO)
  • 家庭赋权奖学金-独特能力(FES-UA), 以前是加德纳奖学金和麦凯奖学金
  • 希望奖学金

LCS很高兴提供多子女折扣. A family’s second child receives a $1,250 discount, and the third child receives a $2,500 discount. 每多一个孩子学费可打五折.

*Multi-child discount does not apply to part-time students or the Discovery Program.

Notice to parents enrolling students under the FES-UA scholarship: Please note that our school accommodates students with disabilities in accordance with the requirements under federal and local law. 然而, your child may not necessarily receive the types of accommodations or related services that your child may be entitled to receive at a public school as public schools have different obligations under the IDEA. IDEA并不适用于私立学校. We are happy to have a conversation with you about the accommodations that your child may need and be entitled to at our school.


  • 我们20%的学生获得了基于需求的经济援助.
  • In 2022-2023, LCS awarded more than $550,000 in need-based 金融援助 for qualified families.
  • Financial assistance awards are granted yearly based on continued demonstrated need.



“我们选择(并继续选择)LCS为我们的男孩有很多原因. The most important reason is that they are getting a very strong foundation in education as it’s being taught in the Light of God’s Word. 我们喜欢这里的竞技体育, 还有维京人的“社区”,让我们感觉像一个大家庭, 幸福的家庭!”


ladbrokes立博亚洲, 我们欢迎您对学费有任何疑问, 招生, 或者我们提供的项目. We’re here to assist you through the process as you consider the right educational investment for your family.


金融援助 & 奖学金

LCS很高兴为符合条件的家庭提供基于需求的经济援助. New families in need of assistance can apply for 金融援助 as a part of submitting an application for admission to the school. 返回的家庭可以通过他们的门户访问该应用程序. We utilize a third-party company – SSS – to assist in determining 金融援助 eligibility.

  • Approximately 20% of our students are recipients of a need-based 金融援助 award.
  • 我们的许多经济援助奖学金覆盖50%或更少的学费.
  • Financial aid awards are granted on a yearly basis and are based on continued demonstrated need.
  • Financial aid is determined using a projected out of pocket tuition for the upcoming school year (tuitionless any discounts and/or state scholarships)
  • 我们不提供体育、学术或美术奖学金.

金融援助 & 奖学金

LCS 金融援助 can be coupled with any of the state scholarship awards mentioned below. You are able to apply for financial assistance to LCS once you have started applying for admission to the school. The application process involves completing the application questionnaire and uploading prior year tax documents. New families will be notified of their 金融援助 award along with their admission acceptance decision.


除了以需求为基础的经济援助计划, LCS通过佛罗里达州接受奖学金. These scholarships can be coupled with LCS 金融援助 and can be used to offset the cost of tuition and fees. We accept awards through Step Up for Students and the AAA Scholarship Foundation. 请参阅 州立奖学金页面 浏览我们的网站获取更多信息.

  • 佛罗里达税收抵免奖学金
  • 家庭赋权奖学金-教育选择(FES-EO)
  • 家庭赋权奖学金-独特能力(FES-UA)
  • 希望奖学金



Families needing assistance are welcome to apply for 金融援助 after submitting a completed application for admission. We utilize the services of a third-party tuition management company to determine tuition assistance eligibility. 

资格是基于核实报告的收入和费用, providing a unique and comprehensive assessment of the family’s financial need. 你的经济援助计划是基于这个评估, the number of applicants and available funds at the time you submit your 金融援助 application.


Can I qualify for 金融援助 through LCS and also use a State Scholarship?  







是的, LCS通过佛罗里达州接受奖学金 在有限基础上. These scholarships can be coupled with our financial assistance program to offset the cost of tuition and fees.

  • 佛罗里达税收抵免奖学金
  • 家庭赋权奖学金-教育选择(FES-EO)
  • 家庭赋权奖学金-独特能力(FES-UA)
  • 希望奖学金


当你在莱克兰寻找最好的私立基督教学校, FL, 我们很高兴你能考虑ladbrokes立博亚洲! Taking a tour is the best way to learn more about our programs while getting a glimpse of our campus where your child can thrive.


问题? 请随时联系Julie Rice,我们的招生主任
(863) 688-2771 or jrice@thebigkahunaspokane.com.